Different Princess

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Streaming Platform: Youtube
Chinese show: Different Princess
Genre: Historical Romance Fantasy
Episodes: 36
Duration of episodes: 30 ish mins

Translation team: Unknown
“Writer Hua Qing Ge transforms into a character within the world of her own novels. She thought she was in control of the script, but falling in love with Ji Chu was not part of the plan.”

When this came out I seen who the lead female was and knew I wanted to watch it, then I forgot all about it! Well the last two weeks I have been sick and not done much in the time of watching/reading the subtitles but I finally started feeling better where I could read the subtitles without them dancing across the screen so I am so sorry I have not kept up on my posting the last few weeks!

I was recently rewatching a few episodes of The Prince of Tennis 2018 version when I saw her and realized she was in it! I watched the prince of tennis years ago and was hooked because of the deadpan male lead, it cracked me up. Anyway I in bed with my diffuser diffusing on my face and tissue stuffed up one side of my nostril and coughing my lungs out scrolling through Netflix bored when I happened to see that title. I thought meh there was some fun tennis matches in there that I remember so I might as well rewatch a few episodes. I was totally surprised to realize that Ireine Song (also known on Song Yi Ren) was playing one of the characters in there!
And then that made me remember this series, Different Princess, that she had recently starred in! Then a search ensued on figuring out where I could watch it and I found it on Youtube!
Thus let the sicky binge watching begin.


The first episode was interesting if not a bit silly but I enjoyed it! They kicked off the storyline right off the bat which I liked, especially because with this type of storyline, I feel like it is needed.
I love Ireine, she is just so stinken cute! I feel like she really fits her character in this story. I am so excited to see how she will subdue this bad guy!

Entering the second episode things are moving along and the whole beam scene made me laugh so much with how he was just staring at her with that expression. I laughed hard enough I hacked up a lung and had to blow my nose, so thanks for that show, thanks!
Honestly, I kind of really do like Ji Chu’s character even though he is the villain because while he is one, it doesn’t FEEL like he is one, it feels like there is some secret to behind the scenes of his character that will eventually reveal itself… although that sounds dumb considering she is literally in her own story to change the plot but you know!? You know!
He’s a bit overdone with his personality but like… on a deliciously so note LOLOL!

The scene where she hid behind him and yet attempted to murder him was hilarious lol.
My evil laugh that came out when he said he’d make a good master…. hahahaha. Let the games begin my darling!

I’m honestly so excited for them to get together and him to burn the world down for her to protect her, you know its coming!
“A hero will burn you in order to save the world but a villain will burn the world in order to save you.”
To be quite frank… both are good qualities dependent on contexts and all that jazz.

Her mean mugging the guards and the guards mean mugging he back had be laughing pretty cute. That was a cute adorable scene.
I am loving the dynamics between Qing and Ji Chu!! There is good chemistry there that pulls your attention to the screen and them.
Also can I just take a side note and say the man’s color scheme so far throughout this show is AMAZING. Man looks fantastic in ALL the colors!!!

Hahaha Ji Chu’s little “gotcha!” face, that was good. Got her trapped exactly right back where she started. Poor thing 🙁
The cat and mouse game between Qing and Ji Chu is entertaining and I am very much enjoying it!
We cannot forget to throw in all the family court drama of course… what would a show be without it???

I really like Ji Chu and I really hope they delve more into his background so we get his story as we can already tell he must have had a tragic past in order to be such a villain… or at least appear to be such a villain!
And I REALLY hope we get to see him actually fight!!!

Tsch… I’m on Ji Chu’s side… that may sound terrible with this being still early into the story but I can already tell there is more to him then just being “bad.”
His little flash of a smile when she said “wife”. hehehe. Cute.

Dawwwwwwwwww 🙁 The roof top scene! My sad little heart. The man just wanted some comfort and she unknowingly provided it for him. *swipes stray tear*.
I love that she managed to get all three of the Princes lined up for her silly little club and managed to get some results… even if Ji Chu was in it for his own benefit.
Honestly I can’t says I blame the man. I would want to solve my mothers case as well if that’s what happened.
I LOVE the sly little villainous looks Ji Chu slides Qings way!! It cracks me up every single time!!

Le gasp… Alright best friend what are you doing behind Ji Chu’s back??? I know you are just as set on revenge as him but like… Don’t betray him, he trusts you!!!
And his Guard! You better not betray him either!! He doesn’t have any people he actually trusts except you two… Don’t fail me.

Poor Ji Chu… You have suffered so much. Mi heart.

“QING IS MY WOMAN!!” No one will hurt my woman!! RAWWRRR!!! You go Ji Chu!!! RAWWR!

Okay the fighting scenes are silly, they are not that great but they could be worse. They are not terrible but indeed there is several details that make it silly, such as some of the men literally standing in place on pause until they are hit and then they move loloool.

TSCH! Just say you didn’t do it Ji Chu, why are you purposely letting her think you did? But Alas… I get why you aren’t saying anything. The whole time she has constantly been accusing you of evil stuff so why is this moment any different? So petty… but understandable in this context.
…. *giggles evilly* I knew the second his bestie said it was poison he was gunna suck it out… mwhahahaha.

Man who ever did the costumes for Ji Chu’s character needs an IMMEDIATE RAISE! Every single outfit has STUNNINGLY fit him and his Villainy character without being to overly evil and still retaining the regal-ness of a Prince! It is impressive! Andd the man has looked absolutely stunning in every outfit!!!
And to be honest the rest of the costumes are quite good but you can tell they went above and beyond with his wardrobe. Especially those Robes in episode 18. My GOODNESS. The envy and awe is pouring off of me in waves! :O :O

Poor Ji Chu, he really is so misunderstood… His character is my type of character in books and shows and he really had did a great job in this role, I really hope we get more information on his past. My heart aches for him 🙁 Poor baby 🙁 I’m in love!

Okay I’m really ready for the relationship to kick off between Qing and him. Its been long enough with all the subplots and the misunderstandings between them and her constantly thinking he is evil. While I GET he WAS, her entire book plot has been changed and we are episodes deep in that she ought to stop thinking the way she is.
Give me some romance!

AWWWW the fact that the physician actually paid attention to what her hand looked like that he was able to choose her correctly… CUUTEE.
LE GASP! I knew the secretary du was suspicious!!
The Princess and the Physician are so cute, I hope they end up together and he makes the right choice.

Bahahaha her slip of the tongue and his absolute smug look at getting her was hilarious. I loved that moment. It was perfect.
Hehe, Qing! I think you are falling for the Prince! Cute scene with the cake, ehehe.

Honestly I’m so glad they made the Princess so nice and so likable and that they made friends with the Xiyao! While I am suspicious of the second Prince, I am glad he has been nice so far.
FACEPALM JI CHU!!! What a confession. That was definitely on par with your personality.

Okay I think I have been paying way to much attention to Qing and Ji Chu because I must have missed something with the other subplot.
Because I really don’t understand the whole plot with the Empresses and her back in the day love… because had they not done anything , literally no one would know?????????? They gave themselves away???? Did I miss something??
Blame Ji Chu.

I am going to melt away in frustration if they don’t start giving us some romance between them.

I am honestly enjoying this series a lot! Everyone has really fit their characters, the acting is pretty decent (I wouldn’t say 100) but its high up there, especially with the leads Qing and Ji Chu, they have been doing phenomenal in their roles.
Qing (Ireine Song also known as Song Yi Ren) has honestly nailed this role! The vibe is SOOO different from the last show I seen her in, which was The Inextricable Destiny ( you can read my review on that one here: https://letsreviewtogether.com/the-inextricable-destiny/) and I have NO Idea what happened to that one but This series, Different Princess is SOOO Much better. The entire VIBE is better, her entire character is BETTER. She is crushing this role!! (Along with whoever plays Ji Chu, which I need to look up right now!)
I won’t list out all her roles but I’ve seen all the ones that are on Rakuten Viki and then some. I really like her and enjoy her as an actress but I got to say that The Inextricable Destiny is the literally the worst role she’s has taken because she is GREAT in literally all the other roles I have seen her in, even the low budgeted Prince of Tennis! But I digress.

Okay after looking him up he’s appeared in a few things but none of which I have seen, so this is a fresh take on him just from this series alone! I don’t know what he’s like in the other things he’s appeared him, but this role was made for him, he has been crushing every scene with his acting and facial expressions. Fighting man! Pick up the good work!
But anyway, back to the show!

“You scared me, I’m not covered by insurance here!” LOOOL!
They look so cute and good together in their matching outfits! Oh my goodness, the scene with the kid Hahaha!
OH MY WOOORDDDDDD The scene between them in episode 23 IS ADORABLEEEEEEEE, I LOVE IT!!!! SO CUTTEEEE!!!!

Oooh, are we finally going to get more backstory on Ji Chu??? PLEASE I am READY for it. Bring it on!
*Prepares box of tissues*.
*Sniffles* Oh Ji Chu 🙁
OH JI CHU!!! My heart 🙁 🙁 🙁 I knew it would be a sad tragic backstory, I just knew it. *Blows nose and wipes eyes*.

Side note, I LOVE the three little gems underneath Qing’s eyes, they just fit her so well and look so beautiful!
This poor man just wants a dang kiss LOL.
Oh man 🙁 Bad things are brewing behind the scenes of the Physician and the Princess… I really hope it doesn’t turn out the way I think it is…. UGH!
The bed scene was even funnier, oh my goodness, that got me laughing enough I done coughed on my snot and almost died. But its fine its fine, that was worth it! LOL!
This show is such a little gem!! It’s so sad that it really isn’t advertised well!

Oooh finally!! A decent fight scene with Ji Chu fighting! That’s what I am talking about! I need more!!
Ugh I’m so mad at you you dumb Prince!!! How could you do this??? He’s a child!! No matter Ji Chu wants nothing to do with you!!
The original story…. The man may have been super evil in it but honestly with this story that is constantly changing, one thing seems to remain the same… the family is corrupted!! Maybe the original story plot, Ji Chu did the right thing killing them all D:

Oh myyy, what a KISS! Full of passion!

🙁 All the hurts are coming out for everyone all the way around! Sadness! heartache! Heartbreak! Tears! Betrayal!
UGHHHH THE PRINCESS!!! THE PYSCICIAN!!! My heart hurts so much for them!!! Such a hard situation all the way around, what would you do?? Such choices are both sad in the end 🙁
Stay strong Princess!!
OOHP There it is! There is the big ole misunderstanding that will drive them apart, Qing and Ji Chu. UGH.

The end of episode 29 … Sniffles 🙁

I don’t know how I feel about the relationship between the Crown Prince and Xiyao (the coroner lady). I really feel like she has gotten the short end of the stick here.
Obviously the crown prince is in love with Qing and he is pretty obvious about it as well, even when they are around everyone, quite frankly it’s a bit embarrassing to be honest.
So he techinically has not done anything unforgivable… yet… but he’s bad some pretty disappointing choices. But alas there is still hope for him… And Xiyao has been so sweet standing up for him and staying by his side in support.
I think the prince does have affection for her but I don’t see him in love with her, even later on down the road…. Its so unfair to her. I just don’t know how I feel about them!

UGH!! I feel sooo horrible for the poor Princess!!! That lifeless feeling, the dead end “fine I accept” look in the eyes. Poor baby 🙁
When someone you are in love with you betrays you and you have no idea why, it is one of the hardest things ever!!
IS this what you choose? Will it keep you WARM at night!?! Will your choice give you love?!?!?!

Awwww, the nightmare scene between Qing and Ji Chu was super cute.

Tsch. I’m glad the Princess got her happy ending but I really wish she would have tortured Qi (The physician a lot more.) He deserved it! Stupid fool.
The scene between Ji Chu and Qing!!!! *sniffles*
WOOOOOOOOOOWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEE, I was NOT expecting that scene!!! MY POOR INNOCENT EYES!! …. Le cough. Man has a sexy back he does… hahaha!

Tsch, I knew that evil woman was not done committing evil deeds, of course she wasn’t. Because the story can’t be completed without the evil woman >.<
Also I’m glad the Princess finally knows the truth about her mom and Qi’s background…. She should have been told earlier.

WWHAAT!?!?!?!? WHHHY!?!?!?!? WHHHAAATTTT?!?!?!?!??! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!!??! THAT’S SO CRUEL!!!!!!! WHAT THE HECK!?!?!?!?!?
I… I will never emotionally recover from this. I… HOW COULD YOU!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!

This had a happy ending but I’m really not happy with how they ended this. I feel like they really rushed the last scene and we only got like 5 seconds of it and I’m seriously disappointed in this. This is a grudge I am probably going to hold onto for a long time. >.< I really hope they end up doing a special episode down the road or SOMETHING FOR BETTER CLOSURE!!!

But alas that aside, this entire series was SUCH A GEM!!!! I’m really surprised there is not more advertising about it!!
Beyond the initial advertisement I seen on Youtube when it first was going to come out, I really haven’t seen or heard of anything else about it. Which is SUCH a tragedy because this one is SO worth the watch!!!
It had a good mixture of everything and the only thing I wish they would have changed is added more romance between Qing and Ji Chu and to fix the very last end scene, other than that I really don’t have any complaints!
Everyone played their parts well, ESPECIALLY THE LEADS!!! Especially the man who played Ji Chu, the dude seriously KILLED his part and again whoever the heck did his wardrobe needs a serious raise!!

But this was such a fun adventure and a journey to live through!!! This gets a 10/10 from me. I seriously enjoyed this story and I thought it was very well done with the plot, music, shooting locations, the actors and actresses, wardrobe, pacing of the story and all the way around was wholesome!
While this did have 36 episodes, they are basically 30 minutes each and was perfect for the storyline! While I did feel it lacked in some romance, it made sense with the story and plot line.
SO!! Conclusion!!! GRAB YOUR FAVORITE DRINK AND POPCORN AND SNUGGLE IN to watch a tale unfold with laughter, sadness, tears and bravery!!!

Let’s Review Together <3