Hi World.

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Well hello there!
Welcome to my first blog post. How exciting! Or scary depending on this goes.
Lettuce begin the introductions…. On this blog site, I will be making a lot of puns that I find HILARIOUS so forgive my humor in advance. I apologize for it. Kind of.
Listen if you don’t like it, you are more than welcome to abandon this post immediately, it’ll only add to my abandonment issues but it’s FIIINNEEE… See that? You may roll your eyes but you know I am funny.
Kind of.

My name is Emm, I am 30 years young.
I have a whole host of health issues that I won’t get into right now but I feel as if I am already 60 years old some days, especially when I can’t move well.
What a drag.
I’m also an anime fan (please take note of my well used ‘what a drag’ statement) among other things, I am an avid reader of all books, I love kayaking and swimming (when I have the energy for it) and enjoy binge watching K-drama’s, C-Drama’s and a bunch of other things. I enjoy reading manga’s when I need a break from other activities.
I like to sew (or scream at the machine for malfunctioning) when I get into the mood and absolute hate cooking, although I still do it because I guess people like to eat, pfft.
Been making a lot of bread lately. You know a good bread recipe? Let me know!

I adore writing stories and poetry but have sadly gotten away from it for far to long.
I decided to start a blog in hopes of earning an income from home as I homeschool my kids and have those pesky health issues that interferes with getting a 9-5 job.
But not only that, I started a blog because like I mentioned in the above.. I Love binge watching Korean Drama’s!!! Why not write about it from my opinions?!
It’s a hobby of mine… it’s a passion of mine… It’s gotta be a lifestyle right?! Is there a show you have been wanting to watch but want a little information on it first? A review of it? A small tease on it!? Let me know!

Oh goodness! Before I forget. COFFEE. Yes Coffee. I LOVE coffee. Coffee is life!! Coffee is goals! Coffee is needed to function and keep others alive and stay out of jail. With coffee with can DO things! With coffee we can SEE things! We coffee we can survive!
WE. LOVE. COFFEE. (and the cup we drink our coffee out of!).
I hope you will all stick with me and come along this wild (well mostly lazy at my house) adventures 😀


Let’s Review Together.

Can we REALLY trust people who don’t drink coffee?

2 responses to “Hi World.”