I Remember You

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Streaming Platform: Rakuten Viki
Korean Show: I Remember You https://www.viki.com/tv/26840c-i-remember-you (also known as Hello, Monster)
Genre: Crime/Suspense
Episodes: 16
Duration of episodes: 56-65 mins

Translation Team: The Profilers

Description from Viki:
“When a serial killer strikes women who all have a similar appearance, the police department’s Special Crime Investigation Team is stumped.

While Cha Ji An (Jang Nara), an elite detective, and her fellow colleagues are assessing the latest crime scene, the mysterious Lee Hyun (Seo In Guk) shows up and instantly assesses the trademark attributes of the killer.

Hyun is a genius criminal profiler with a degree in criminal psychology who received an anonymous email that brought him to the crime scene all the way from the United States. The serial killer seems to be sending a personal message to Hyun with the clues he leaves behind, and Hyun wonders if it could be related to an escaped criminal “monster” from his childhood who killed his father and was responsible for the disappearance of his younger brother.

Ji An has known Hyun since childhood and is ecstatic to see her childhood crush again, but Hyun doesn’t seem to remember her. With no leads to capture the serial killer, Ji An and her colleagues solicit Hyun’s help. Can Hyun and Ji An solve the case and find answers to their pasts?

“I Remember You” is a 2015 South Korean drama series directed by No Sang Hoon.”


So one thing about me is I love a good crime profiler case that dives into the psychy of why people do the things they do or what breaks them to descend into madness.
I found it fascinating and sometimes comprehendible. Why would you do that? Also it always goes back to that favored question of: Were you born like this or became like this?

This show has been on my watchlist for over two years and every time I’ve clicked into it the first ten minutes of the first episode has ALWAYS put me off and I have no idea why, but it made me immediately not interested and I’d always back out for something else.
I have a terrible habit of if something does not catch my interest in the first ten minutes of an episode then I give up and move on. I’m trying to break this habit as it leads to missing out on awesome shows!
Today I was determined to give this another try. I clicked into the episode, fast forwarded it 30 minutes in and then watched… it finally snagged my interest as they dived into the serial killer meeting the kid so I restarted the episode from the beginning and settled in.
(I can feel the judgement after that confession from here…. Tsch.)

So I am not a complete stranger to Seo In Guk, but I have only watched Doom at Your Service, Cafe Minamdang and some episodes of Master’s Sun.
There is quite a bit he has appeared and acted in actually! I am not a huge fan of his but I do think he is a decent actor.
Hilarious enough I have like four shows that Jang Nara stares in on my watchlist but I have not watched any of em them yet so I guess I will be introduced to her in this show!


The end of the first episode is what truly got me hooked. The children actors and the guy playing the serial killer all did a great job with their roles and it got me hooked to see what would happen next and how it would go into their adult lifes.
I am not sure how much I like the main female lead’s character, she is coming across like an air head so I really hope they make her character more solid as the show progresses.

Honestly, as a parent myself, I think the Dad is doing his best. When you are suddenly pushed out into the unknown and fear is holding you steady in their embrace, I think he did try to his best. I’m not saying I agree with his actions, because I do not, but I am saying I do understand them. Especially when the dad has dealt with serial killer personalities before and he knows what happens… How would you NOT be terrified? I feel for him 🙁 I’m glad he didn’t abandon his kid though, still showed him love and sympathy. Was trying to teach him the right way.

It also looks like the brother has some interesting secrets or some highly suspicious ones… What happened to him?
The chair scene was funny, I wonder how many takes it took to get that done…
Also I gotta say it… The lead dude… his bangs over his forehead… That hairstyle does nothing for him. It’s an injustice D:
He looks soo good with his hair styled back!!

I love how his character is making us guess if he truly is psychotic or not. Most crime shows that have a special talented detective or criminal profiler all usually have a mad hatter type of personality and I love every single of them! LOL

So far this series has a MUCH lighter feel than Mouse. Which I still have not finished yet. Mouse is absolutely phenomenal show but the aura of it is incredibly HEAVY. If you are someone like me who attempts to follow Intently along with the story, searching for clues and trying to piece things together before the show says it, it can be mentally taxing lol. So I had a small break and was planning on finishing it when I got into my time period costume shows binging them! LOLOL
Watching I Remember You reminds me I need to go back and finish Mouse.

It really Is crazy how much emotions can effect our actions and our thoughts. Especially how far terror and fear can drive a person to limits beyond our thoughts at the time.

Welll well welllll, what do we have here? Episode 4… Is this the serial killer from before? O.O Inquiring minds wanna know… its me, I’m inquiring minds and I wanna know!
LOLOL I love that her coworkers covered her, literally! so she wouldn’t get caught.

Oooooh laalaa raggy!!! That was close!!!

“I don’t commit murder if I can help it.” LOOOOOOL. What a solid line that is! LOL!

Episode 5… This was the moment… the moment he caught the feels…

There is so many suspicious people!! Who is WHO!?
Episode 6 and we’ve entered the argument of are psychopaths born or created? I love this argument because it comes up in every crime/profiler show and some of the arguments are interesting and if we are lucky in depth. However this show touches on but doesn’t really go in depth on the subject but gives you enough to be interested without being bored.
This lawyer is so suspicious… At this point in the game, I’m convinced everyone is a serial killer LOL

Ahhhh the desk scene in episode 8 was super cute and his reaction afterwards had me laughing!
Also since we figured out who the brother is we can definitely see he has a major brother complex… curious where they will take this…

Can we just alllll appreciate that a man’s hand and wrist looks so strong and sexy with a simple bracelet and ring? It’s pretty hot. Pretty sexy.

LOLOL the trio is NOT the trio you wanna be up against!! That was actually pretty awesome how they did that scene. Three dangerous geniuses that are trying to one up each other all coming together to confront a suspect…. Was a great scene.

I will say that how they are portraying him as a criminal profiler is weird. He seems to be more of a teaching professor than anything and then randomly jumps in to help the police… I wish they would elaborate on his background in his work a lot more.
I do really like how they show him thinking and pulling up the scene in his mind and then slowly picking it apart. It’s very neat and gives me small vibes of Now You See Me.

The dumb salesman in episode 11… Bahahaha. That was terrible. I shouldn’t be laughing!

Ooooff we’ve hit the climax of them meeting each other!! D: So sad…. My heart hurts for both brothers… What a mess their childhood was D:
Although the scene between both main leads was cute.

Ooooooh Serial Killer Against Serial Killer Against Serial Killer!!!! What a thrill!! but ugh it didn’t last long at all 🙁 The sadness I feel for this… I really wish we would have gotten more of a fight and cat and mouse dance between all of them.
And the tension in episode 13 during the hospital scene.. YES give us more!

LOOOOLLL that was NOT the right question to ask Team Leader!!! That was hilarious, I cracked up at everyone’s facial expressions during that scene. Very well done.
“Because Chi An says so.” *snaps fingers* LOLOLOL

So I’m on the last episode and lots more information has been given and of course we already had betrayal from the other dude which was sad but somehow not surprising or unexpected to me because that’s how 99 percent shows go, there is always someone on the team betraying them but its now starting to reach the climax of the last battle… really curious as to how they are going to end this.
Of course, I am assuming justice will prevail but there is some suspiciousness that it won’t so we are staying tuned…

Okay ALSO, don’t get me wrong on this but I can see why the first serial killer went crazy and do have some sympathy for him (as the show wants you too) but like… brother you are literally going around KILLING people! Innocent ones!
Now if this was more like Dexter; A crime show about a serial killer killing other serial killers, I might be more incline to let you go but that isn’t what is going on here… You could have chosen sooo many other paths but instead you chose the most brutal one!

This headed exactly where I thought it would head but it still suckkks D: UGH.

…………………………………………………….. I just………… I’m…………….. WHAT? …………………………… The ending………….. WHAT?
What a HUGE anticlimactic ending!!!!! UGH I am NOT satisfied with the ending!!!!!!
I pretty much knew that one person’s journey was going to go the other way but both?????? What in the world. I suppose they left it open enough to have a second season, there is lots of details not being answered and somehow everyone is okay with murderers being murderers and I am just reeling they left the ending like that.

*grumbles for an hour*


All the main male lead actors, including the children, did a PHENOMINAL Job!!!! Everyone fit and played their part Excellently and all of them did a GREAT job at portraying someone with psychotic tendencies.
The storyline was decent, you had a more light story about a serial killer and a profiler but honestly they really didn’t make it evident that he WAS a profiler so that annoyed me quite a bit but alas its whatever, he still ended up helping.
I REALLY wish they would have gone more in depth on the psychology level when dissecting the serial killers motive/mind and I wish they would have showed way more of how the main lead solves and connects the dots to everything.
I feel like if they did this, this would have easily ended up being a Ten out of Ten rating.
But honestly this was a pretty easy crime show to watch and follow and its definitely worth a watch!!

The main lady did okay, her acting was so-so, I’m not a huge fan of her but she was okay overall. The male leads definitely carried this show I will say.
Again, this is pretty decent and I give it an eight. Give it a watch if you want a crime show that doesn’t have such a heavy aura to it and some light funny moments.
There is also just enough romance to keep you interested in it without it overpowering the main storyline of the serial killer.

Let’s Review Together <3