Mouse (K-drama) Part one

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Streaming platform: Rakuten Viki
Korean Show: Mouse
Genre: Crime/Suspense/Thriller
Episodes: 23
Episode duration: 60 mins to 90 mins.
Lee Seung Gi
Lee Hee Joon
Kyung Soo Jin
Park Ju Hyun
Ahn Jae Wook
Kim Jung Nan
Woo Ji Hyun
Kim Young Ok
Jo Jae Yoon
Kim Young Jae 
Ahn Nae Sang
Kwon Hwa Woon
Translation Team: The Mouseketeers Team 

Description from Viki:
“Dedicating his life to the pursuit of justice, rookie police officer, Jung Ba Reum (Lee Seung Gi), is an honest man with an honest heart. Working at a local substation, Ba Reum is a steadfast officer who, together with his partner, Go Moo Chi (Lee Hee Joon), is always willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Finding true fulfillment in his work, Ba Reum is happy with the life he has made for himself. But when the nation is rocked by the ruthless murders of a crazed killer, his peaceful life takes a very dark turn.

Gripped by fear, the nation slowly sinks into chaos as a psychopathic serial killer runs amuck. Always one step ahead of the authorities who chase him, the only sign the cops have of the killer’s presence is the grisly trail of chaos left behind. Determined to find this killer and bring them to justice, Ba Reum and Moo Chi eventually track them down. Standing face to face with the killer, Ba Reum manages to survive the deadly encounter but their meeting would change his life forever.

Determined to understand what drives a person to such violent extremes, Ba Reum and Moo Chi begin a quest to understand how psychopathic behaviors develop. But their quest for the truth begins to raise some very poignant questions. Questions that lead them to wonder, where does one draw the line between far and too far?

An action-packed thriller, “Mouse” is a 2021 crime mystery drama directed by Choi Joon Bae and Kang Cheol Woo.”


From the moment I started watching I was already hooked and a little less than half way in, I’m covered in goosebumps… It probably doesn’t help I’m watching this late at night with no lights on except for the screen and the wind is howling and wintery outside… GOOSEBUMPS.
No one will ever understand the strength of a mothers desperate love unless you are a Mother.
Talk about a horrifying riveting devastating scene…
Wow okay, as a mother myself, I don’t think I will ever recover from that scene. That was horrifying and truly devastating on all levels. That was legit traumatizing and I’ve pretty much seen it all at this point. (Shows and movies wise).
I feel like sobbing under my covers huddled into a ball cradling my kids. I’ve got goosebumps from the back of my neck, down my arms and down my legs.
What an opening first episode.
Holy whackers.
Holy gee wilkers.
Every time I thought the scene would end, it just got worse.
Nothing really phases me except if it involves kids… And this entire scene involved kids. Heart wrenching.
I wanted something crime related to watch to cleanse my palette after enduring that other show (the inextricable destiny)… well wooo-weee did this do it. And just from episode ONE.
This was quite the first episode, one heck of a first episode. I’m hooked. It was intense, horrifying, terrifying, goosebumpy worthy of a first episode.
I haven’t been this invested with my eyes GLUED to the screen holding my breath wondering what will come next, in a long time!
This show is right up there with Under The Skin, if not passing it, we’ll see as I continue to watch!
I truly hope they keep this up throughout the show.

I’m on episode two and the guy they have playing the main detective is the main kid from the first episode… he looks way too old for me and calculating the time stamp from the past and to the present day he should only be 33/34 years of age, but the guy that is playing him looks late 40’s, early 50’s so its throwing me off a bit.
That being said, we all know trauma’s age someone’s appearance so it still works out well, just throwing me off a bit because my mind pictured a more youthful appearance!
Episode two had a strong opening and I am excited to see where the rest of this show goes.
Especially because this is following down the path of the all to famous question….

“Are psychopaths born or made that way?”
I found this article answering a little more on the question.
This expert is taken directly from the article.
Although both biological and environmental factors play a role in the development of psychopathy and sociopathy, it is generally agreed that psychopathy is chiefly a genetic or inherited condition, notably related to the underdevelopment of parts of the brain responsible for emotional regulation and impulse control. The most-important causes of sociopathy, in contrast, lie in physical or emotional abuse or severe trauma experienced during childhood. To put the matter simplistically, psychopaths are born, and sociopaths are made.”

Now in this show they are presenting them as being born that way, “born with the psychopath gene” which is highly fascinating to me.
Doing a little more research I came across this article that dives a bit more into what a psychopath is
The article is written by Author: Hailey Shafir, LCMHCS, LPCS, LCAS, CCSMedical Reviewer: Kristen Fuller, MD 

Taking a snippet of the article they wrote:

While both psychopaths and sociopaths have more serious forms of antisocial personality disorder, psychopaths have the most severe form, limiting their ability to experience emotions, empathy, or remorse. This makes them more prone to violence. Sociopaths tend to be impulsive and emotionally unstable, but they have a more normal range of emotions.1,2

What Is a Sociopath?

Sociopathy, clinically known as antisocial personality disorder, involves engaging in poor, risky behaviors, disregard for the law, and no remorse for the impact their actions have on other’s mental and emotional wellbeing.

What Is a Psychopath?

Psychopathy is marked by extreme behaviors seen in antisocial personality disorder. Psychopathic behavior has its pathology in personality disorders including both antisocial personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder.

Very fascinating! If you have time, I recommend reading the article!


Like I said above, episode two is quite intriguing with how the plot is going and how the new characters are getting introduced.
They even referenced the Zodiac Killer, which is a real killer from the late 1960’s, he was never identified and got away with his killings, however bizarrely random they were.
To date he has killed several people, several of which has had their bodies recovered but in his messages he claimed to have killed over 30, however the others were not recovered or even linked to him so there is no way to tell if he was really telling the truth or not.
If you are interested in reading more about The Zodiac Killer, here is a link I found.


The story continues and it is thrilling, suspenseful and dark.
More characters have been introduced, more murders have been committed and more heartbreaking scenes have happened… And everything, even in the smallest of details are all being connected and traced back to each other.
So far this script has been beautifully written and it is riveting.

Also let me just note that the start up for the episodes is phenomenal and fits the show so well. The kid in the first scene is immediate goosebumps because you remember where he came from… what he is.
It is haunting.
The emotions this show is evoking out of me has me invested in what is happening and where it will end!!

A small tidbit I found, according to IMBD: the scriptwriter was inspired by the Incheon (Seoul) Elementary School Murder case in 2017.
I’ve tried to find a bit more in depth details of this case but almost every article I’ve read has the same information and weirdly enough, almost word for word.
But you get the idea.
Either a Sociopath or a Psychopath, neither of these words belong to a black and white world, they employ a whole lot more information behind them and are connected with so many other things, so its a lot to understand and comprehend.
Some common characteristics of a Psychopath is:
1. Pathological Lying and Manipulation
2. Lack of Morality and Rule Breaking
3. Lack of Empathy and Cold-Heartedness
4. Narcissism and False Superiority Complex
5. Gaslighting and Psychological Bullying
6. Lack of Contrition and Self-Serving Victimhood

Now there are more than this but this is the gist of it. Our main lead that is playing the serial killer role has several of these characteristics, I’m sure as the show progresses we will see more symptoms appear in him!

They have referenced another real killer from the 1970’s! (1974 to 1991 when he killed.) The BKT (bind, torture and kill) Killer.

So far I am very impressed with how they seem to be staying on point with knowledge of serial killers and from my limited knowledge, on point with the psychological side of things.
The next couple of episodes things got even more intense and thrilling.
So many close moments and tragic moments and enthralling moments. This is the type of you show you want to watch with the lights off, your favorite drink ready and eating your favorite snack because you will get immersed into it deeply and you won’t want to miss any details… especially because it ALLL Connects back to each other in some shape, way, or form!
Truly a masterpiece so far!
ALSO I have an inkling about one of the characters and I better be wrong about them… else I’ll be sooo mad!!!

This will be part one review as life happened and I did not get a chance to finish the whole series!
I cannot wait to see what happens next!!!

This review seems a little clustered and all over the place, I apologize for that! It was chaotic watching this show and piecing things together and doing a little bit of research. Please let me know where I can improve!

Let’s Review Together <3