Mysterious Lotus CaseBook

Streaming Platform: IQ
Chinese Show: Mysterious Lotus Casebook
Genre: Mystery Wuxia
Episodes: 40
Duration of Episodes: 45mins
Cheng Yi
Joseph Zeng
Aero Xiao
Translation Team: Unknown

Description from IQ:
“Mysterious Lotus Casebook” is a costume martial arts mystery drama directed by Guo Hu (“Immortal Samsara: Part 1”) and Ren Haitao (“Love and Destiny”). It stars Cheng Yi (“Immortal Samsara: Part 1”), Joseph Zeng (“Meet Yourself”), and Xiao Shunyao (“Till the End of the Moon”) in the leading roles. The series is adapted from the novel “The Auspicious Lotus Tower” by Feng Ping. It tells the story of Li Xiangyi, the renowned leader of the Sigu School in the martial arts world, who is severely injured in a major battle. He retreats from the martial arts world and becomes a humble physician named Li Lianhua. However, his peaceful life is disrupted when he encounters Fang Duobing, a new friend plagued by illness, and his old enemy Di Feisheng. Li Xiangyi is once again drawn into the world of martial arts. Ten years ago, Li Xiangyi (played by Cheng Yi), as the head of the Sigu School, was hailed as the unparalleled master of the Xiangyi Sword, shining as a symbol of righteousness in the martial arts world. However, during a battle with Di Feisheng, the leader of the Jinyuan League, the two formidable warriors disappeared without a trace in the vast sea. Both the Sigu School and the Jinyuan League suffered heavy losses and gradually vanished from the martial arts world. Ten years later, Li Lianhua (played by Cheng Yi), a wandering country doctor, travels with a Lotus Tower, unintentionally gaining the reputation of a renowned physician. Although he initially had no intention of getting involved in the martial arts world, he becomes entangled in it. Fang Duobing (played by Joseph Zeng), a young man who dreams of becoming a righteous hero, realizes that Li Lianhua is not ordinary and vows to expose his true identity as a fake doctor. Meanwhile, Di Feisheng, who has always regarded Li Xiangyi as his formidable rival, recognizes the inconspicuous country doctor Li Lianhua as Li Xiangyi. He refuses to let him go easily.”

Okay so I’ve literally started this show SO many times but kept getting really bored with it and backing out! I wanted to stick with it but even five episodes in I was so bored that I just couldn’t make it through any longer so I gave up and decided to save it for later.
So now we’ve reached later and I keep seeing some youtube shorts for it so here I am again giving it a go!

Now don’t get me wrong, when this was first airing to come out (before it even came out) I was BEYOND EXCITED!!! Simply because it looked like a great bromance adventure and one of the leads was was Cheng Yi!!! I love Cheng Yi!!! So I waited forever for this to come out and then forever for it to finish airing and then when it finally did and came time to watch it… ugh I couldn’t get into it and Cheng Yi doesn’t deserve that.
So I knew I would be coming back to this one but I knew I needed to be in the mindset of a slower storyline then I like. Which is fine! Slow burns are fine and some have exceptional stories to them but I am not a huge fan of slow telling storylines. However, I know there is 40 episodes so I know they are building up the storyline and I’m sure it’ll be amazing!
I’m here for YOU CHENG YI! Just for YOU!
Some of the things Cheng Yi has played in: Love and Redemption and Immortal Samsara, Along with several other shows.


The first several episodes have set the scenes and gathering information for the long haul of the story, but I am bored and itching to give up but NO, I’m holding on. There is already a few funny moments and a few roll your eye moments but I am liking that he is helping to solve things and show off his smarts.
I’ve watched a few more episodes and they’ve cracked another case! And now we have introduced the other male lead! Let’s see if this picks up!
Don’t get me wrong, it’s been decent but the pace is just very slow and I am struggling because of that… but by golly, Cheng Yi…. Your eyes have taken me in.
They are expressive and wondering.

Hahaha the mute scene was funny, poor Fang. Li is always trying to trick him in some way.
I do have to say, I’m REALLY annoyed with the direction they have taken this story. While I get he has to protect his identity and I understand WHY he’s doing it the fact of the matter is, Fang has helped him and saved him so many times and proven himself now all these episodes and Li does nothing but CONSTANTLY LIE to him! It’s getting to the point where it makes me not want to watch it because of all the constant lying.
I really don’t like this at all.
While the cast and crew and the show itself is phenomenal, the pacing on this is killing me and the cases they are solving are boring and lackluster to me.
I am struggling to keep watching it… I really really wanted to just fall in love with this series and to be completely fair the entire thing is absolutely not notch so far with costume, actors, scenery, fighting scenes, the cases ect. AGAIN! The pacing of this all is being way to dragged out and it is causing me to have a hard time with it.

There has been some funny moments and some cool moments but I really hope the pace picks up… I am already over half way through and I don’t see an end in sight with being honest with each other. I feel so bad for Fang!

Di’s character (Fei) is interesting, curious to see what they will do with him.
I don’t know how I feel about his character.

FINNALLLYYYY THE BIG REVEAL OF HIS IDENTITY!!!!! Ugh, I really wish Fang would have punched him for it but tsch, he is way to nice lol.
I am so glad that he didn’t just give in to Li and he made him work for it. Li deserved all the treatment he got. I am just so annoyed that they let this go on for so long, I literally almost gave up the story because of all the lies and I do mean the CONSTANT LIES. Literally every other word out of Li’s mouth is a lie! Not only to Fang but to literally everyone else as well.
He deserved the cold shoulder from Fang and I honestly wish he would have done more of it but alas, I am pleased with how they had them reconcile. Also I’m glad that Li actually put some effort in to try and win Fang back so that we can actually see that he cares about him.

WOOOOO Go Mama bear!!!! Loved that entry!!!
Also we are back to keeping secrets. *Super pissed off now.*
Why would you wanna trust someone that constantly lies to you? I am having such trouble with this, such misgivings and maybe it’s my own bias but I just can’t. The anger I have is real LOLOLOL.

Also can I just say Yunfei is sooooo handsome and cute!!! He looks amazing with his hair down like that!

Okay good, the secret came out, good. So annoying that he didn’t just tell him the truth from the start.
Whatcha doooinnnggg Director Di!! He’s been controlled D:

Alright alright alright, its done and over with, I finished. I’m so proud of myself for finishing! Listen, I love Cheng Yi, I really do but I am not impressed with his character in this show at all.
And LISTEN, don’t get me wrong! The entire production, crew, actors, Ect, All did AMAZING!!! Like truly the entire show as a masterpiece!! But my bias is coming in STRONG because of all the LIESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS that came out of Li’s mouth and his entire “let me die” character attitude.
How utterly IRRITATING.
Like I get it! You are a mysterious baddie in the martial arts world and you gotta be careful, blah blah blah but at some point in time it has to end! And it was literally 85 percent of the whole show before he stopped “lying” and even then he STILL DID IT. GRRR.


I loved Fangs character, he was truly loyal and wholesome and he didn’t deserve to be treated like how he was and talked to like how he was.
Again, I almost stopped watching the show because of this.

There was fun elements of bromance to this that made for some funny bickering moments and in the end they did have each others back, which I did like.
But also Li’s character was super annoying and his constant “let me die alone” attitude was such crap considering all the friends and support he had.
I don’t know people but I am SOOO irritated with how this whole series went.

Anyway that being all said, again the entire series was phenomenal!!! Everything was truly top notch!!! It’s well worth a watch.
If you are a newbie or intermediate watcher, then you’ll absolutely Love this series! If you are an expert watcher then you’ll be able to nitpick at some of the things but either way, everyone really did absolutely amazing work!

I love Cheng Yi, I started for Cheng Yi and I finished for Cheng Yi!

Let’s Review Together <3