Sweet Trap (C-Drama)

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Streaming Platform: Rakuten Viki
Chinese Show: Sweet Trap
Genre: Romantic Drama
Episodes: 24
Episode duration: 35 to 39

Translation Team: 🔪 Knife Seizing Team 🍜 (Some of the translations don’t make sense but only a few here and there)

Description from Viki:

“Jiang Jie (Xie Bin Bin) is a talented young chef whose knife skills and cooking abilities have led him to the very pinnacle of traditional Chinese cuisine. His skills have landed him the coveted Five-Star Kitchen Knife, the ultimate prize for the nation’s cooks. He now works in a top-end hotel. But he secretly hungers for a showdown against an older chef whose skills are still legendary.

Meanwhile, that same older chef’s young female apprentice, Li Nai (Zhang Miao Yi), is hoping to help restore her master’s honor. She hatches a plan that involves landing a job in the hotel’s kitchen…so she can infiltrate Jiang Jie’s inner circle. But, little does she know, Jiang Jie also has a cunning plan to prove once and for all that he is peerless when it comes to Chinese cuisine! Who will win this battle of wits, hearts, and culinary wizardry?

“Sweet Trap” is a 2024 Chinese drama series that was directed by Deng Zhan Neng.”


Evidently I’ve just been on a C-drama kick! I just realized all my shows have been Chinese shows! Hahaha! I was excited when I first heard of Sweet Trap as it has Zhang Miao Yi in it! I have thoroughly enjoyed her in her other series as a cute innocent but stubborn female lead! When I Fly Towards You and Exclusive Fairytale. I love both of those equally! Also as a side note both male leads are cute in those two series but Zhou Yi Ran has my heart!
Xie Bin Bin was one of the leads in Qing Qing Zi Jin, which I finished last week and HIGHLY loved and enjoyed that one! If you haven’t watched it, Go watch!!

The first few episodes of this, Sweet Trap, has been fun and cute, if a bit slow. However with this being the type of series it is, it makes sense for it to have a slower storyline.
Plus the fact that its about cooking! And some of these dishes already look AMAZING and makes me hungry!
Zhang Miao Yi’s character in this is more mature but still retains the fun clumsy stubborn type of personality. I’m excited to see where this goes and see how she does in this role!
Xie Bin Bin looks good as a modern day character and I already like his annoying cold male face hahaha, giving me remnants of his General Hang!

There is already a few details that don’t make sense to me within the first three episodes that I feel kind of makes a big impact on the show, considering what it is about… But alas, I will wait and see what happens.
Xie Bin Bin’s character on here is a mad Chef challenging everyone and destroying anyone in his path! I’m here for it!

It always cracks me up in however almost every show the main leads help each other with their injury and show so much concern… and the injury is the tiniest of scratches lol

Heeeyyy I have the exact same hair dryer in episode 5!
Okay sorry but the peeing scene at the zoo was so unrealistic. They were off by themselves, literally NO ONE was paying attention to them, no one even noticed them. That’s super unrealistic.
Ahahaha THE EGG!!! Hahaha that startled me.

I’ve progressed in the storyline and here are my thoughts thus far…

First off, I was really excited for the showdown between both main leads, I thought it would be awesome, instead it literally dumped on my expectations and took a turn, and we knew this leading up to the event because more and more secrets just kept being put in place…

The utter look of hopeless hurt and betrayal on the main male characters face in episode 15 hurts D: That was such a sad moment.
I’m not happy with the female main lead and am completely on the male’s main lead side on this point.
He’s been battling her fair and square and then she goes and does that?

I’m literally so annoyed with this entire script. Who wrote this?

Everyone is hurting everyone and betrayal is in leaps and bounds between all these so called trusted friends.
And what the heck??? What best friend disappears for two months with no words and the other person doesn’t think anything of it??? WHAT?
And then when he does finally appear, he treats her like crap and then later they make up for it easy peasy? What the heck kind of storyline is this?

The ONLY saving grace this show has had is the fact that the female lead knows she messed up and is after Jiang Jie to fix it and won’t leave him alone. Props for not giving up on that.

I’m not happy with how they’ve had Jiang and his sous chef treating to each other. What in the world??????
UGH I’m not happy with this show, this is NOT My kind of show. I am struggling to finish it.

The two main leads are finally together and have cute romance but there is still lots going on with the “family” business and politics/schemes.
The relationship between the two second leads, Jiang’s sister and Li Nai’s Best friend… Started out so cute and then he had to go mess it up.
Her being a crazy spoiled brat makes sense with her background and character, however the switch they had him do, does not make sense.

The scene with main female lead and the kid waiting for the main male lead was pretty cute.


The relationship between Li Nai and her Dad is super cute, I am glad they made it a point to show their relationship together.

What kind of rating do I give this type of show? While the scenery was fine, music was okay, some of the scenes were beautiful and all the actors and actresses fit their characters and did act well… I literally cannot in good faith give this a high rating simply because of the script. I can’t do it. I can’t!
Maybe its just me because I am biased against these types of stories where everyone hurts everyone, but this is most definitely not the story for me.
Maybe you guys will like it!

A lot of this script seems to be made up on the spot as they shoot each episodes with lots of things getting confused, forgotten or mixed up from the other episodes. It’s just literally so convoluted!!

I just really can’t fathom why they made the best male friend Can, take such a turn like that. I mean….. SPOILER ALERT!!! …. He disappears for two months without a word and then reappears leading other women around on his arm and thinks he is still in a relationship??? WHAT? That’s mind blown moment. Like what D:


Ahahahaha when she busted down the door in episode 23! That was hilarious.

All’s well that ends all. The show ended on a good note which I’m glad, they did clear up all the mess thankfully but man what a trip getting here.
This was an okay show, it’s not something I would recommend up high on the list, but something to watch if you have no other options and are bored.
There was some cute moments in here and some funny moments but overall the fact that the script was so messy, so convoluted made me dislike it quite a bit.
There was so many hurtful betrayals in here that it’s like what was the point??? I’m really not happy with how they made the Jiang’s sous chef end up, why did they do that to his character? It literally did not make much sense at all considering Jiang himself had his back the entire time.

Alas, I give this an Eight. If the script was better this would be higher up on my list. I really did enjoy the chemistry between both couples and I loved the height difference between the main lead couple.
I really did enjoy watching Zhang Miao Yi in this type of mature role and I hope we see more awesome things from her.
Xie Bin Bin did very well and I hope we get more of him! Especially in period costumes because he looks fantastic in those roles.

Anyhoo, I will be honest and say I’m so glad I’m done watching this and that its over. I don’t think I would have made it through more than 24 episodes of this show because even then it was pushing it lol.

Tell me your thoughts, did you like this one?

Lets Review Together <3