Sword and Fairy (Chinese Paladin 6)

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Streaming Platform: Rakuten Viki
Chinese Show: Sword and Fairy
Genre: Romance/Fantasy
Episodes: 36
Duration of Episodes: 40 to 4mins

Translation team: The Chinese Paladins

Description from Viki:
“In a village named Wuyan, two young siblings named Yue Jin Zhao (Xu Kai) and Yue Qi (Esther Yu) suffer from amnesia – and are trying to piece together clues about their identities and pasts. Their journey of discovery eventually takes them beyond the confines of the village. But they are unexpectedly sidetracked when Yue Qi loses her money to a member of the Risen Soul cult.

While they try to recover Yue Qi’s funds, their paths cross with a family that wants to make the cult’s nefarious dealings public – and ultimately obliterate it. The siblings eventually join the family’s head Luo Zhao Yan (Wan Peng) and a disparate group of individuals who all hope to expose the Risen Soul cult’s darkest secrets. Will their quest help Yue Jin Zhao and Yue Qi learn the truth about their past? And can they overcome the cult – before it grows too powerful?

“Sword and Fairy” is a 2024 Chinese drama series that was directed by Liu Guo Nan and Sun Meng Fei.”


Ayeee, lets dive into this! As we know I’ve watched Sword and Fairy 4 (based off the Chinese Paladin 4 game) and quite enjoyed it! However I have seen lots of reviews saying this version is very slow and not as great as number 4 so I was a little hesitant in watching it but decided to jump in. Another reason I hesitated is because they have amnesia and I’m not fond of that troupe at all. But alas… Xu Kai and Esther called for me!

So again! This Sword and Fairy is based off the popular Chinese video game, Chinese Paladin 6, which I still have not played yet, however I did look it up and I found it on Steam!
Of course going into this show we have to give allowances for the fact that it is video game based and what that all entails for the storyline…. However I’m still gunna judge it! LOL

So the first episode started off decently fun enough and Esther is super cute!! Both of them seem like they are exaggerating their characters which comes off as silly and a bit fake, but again, video game! So make sense.
Costumes are okay but seem a bit fake, the guy Lord Ming, he looks like he is wearing a garter on his head and it keeps throwing me off LOLOLOL.
So some of the costumes are pretty neat while others look pretty fake. The music is fun though and the constant pausing of looovveee looks are fun and slightly embarrassing!

Watching the first episode was fun in the fact that it felt like Xu Kai just descended from Lingjian Mountain right out of Dance of the Sky Empire! Hahaha.
(Two separate show references right there! If ya know ya know!)
It also gave me instant vibes of it being like …. ugh I cannot for the life of me remember that show I seen!!! It was about a girl who fell from the sky and technically she was from the future but when she fell she lost all her memories and a boy found her and saved her and claimed her as his sister! The boy was from the Fire phoenix clan and it was up to him to save all the fire people from their fire making them go berserk and killing them…. Ugghhhh I’ve tried to look it up and I can’t find it!!! Anyone know the name of it?? I can’t even remember which streaming platform I watched that on, I wanna say youtube??? I don’t know! But Alas, it gives me those vibes a bit.

Anyhoo, I like that the episodes are about 35ish minutes long so far and that it seems like the pace is mostly moving along. The acting all seems exaggerated to me but I’m trying to adjust to it.
The scenery has been beautiful so far!!

I love that the main female lead is obsessed with food and constantly distracted by it and that the male lead knows this and continuously uses it to his advantage!
I love the affection they have for reach other and the fact that she just trusts him! I really hope they keep this aspect in the entire show because it is one of the elements I absolutely Loved about Sword and Fairy 4.


“How come you wear such a cold expression today? Is it because you woke up early and haven’t gotten over your morning grumpiness yet?” LOLOLOL
This is the greatest line ever! Also me in a nutshell! LOL.

Ahahahaha NOW THAT IS A Power to have!!! Giant Sword!!!! WOOOO!!!

Well well well, we have a few new characters introduced… The handsome Xian Qing and the beautiful Ming Xiu!
Lets talk about Xian Qing for a second, who is played by Luo Wei Zhao!!! (he looks SO much younger in this role too! That’s hilarious to me) DO YOU KNOW WHO THIS MAN IS???? He’s the hot Detective off of Justice In The Dark, who besides the first 8 episodes, hasn’t seen any more light and is truly truly TRULY tragic as its one of the best dark psychological crime shows around. The main character is intense and mysterious while frequently being put in his place by the other main character that’s the detective. It dives into the whole “not an empathic and can’t feel emotions” while investigating crazy murder and cases and…. Oops, sorry, got off track. Anyway, it’s worth checking out!

Back to the Fairy and Sword.
When she was introducing everyone except for her brother, hahaha that was cute!

Hehehe when Xu Kai meets Xu Kai!


There is SOOO many awkward embarrassing “lets glaze into each others eyes” all lovey dovey scenes that I’m getting the screams to get the scene over with it because it’s so painful LOLOLOL
Again I have not played any of the games but considering how Sword and Fairy 4 went, this one is WAY more focusing on romance. Which I’m not opposed too but the awkward moments are just piling on, making me cringe and die inside a bit.
But that being all said, I really love how clingy the main couple lead is and that they rely on each other. I am hoping we get way more scenes of them using their mindlink together to fight.

There is some game like quality to this but honestly I can see why it didn’t quite get the same rating as Sword and Fairy 4.
While this (6) is still interesting, it definitely does not have the same pace or even feel to it that 4 had/has.
Which is interesting and makes me wanna check out the video games even more! Are they following it pretty closely or is everything loosely based off it?
I seen an image for another Sword and Fairy, I think it was the 5th one made back in 2016 (I think) but I have not found it yet for watching and am not sure about it but I’ll look more into that later on!

Alright we’ve encountered our first real video game like guardian! The CGI on it is not bad at all.

Also let me just add, I love the very beginning tune song, its absolutely gorgeous!

HHHEEELLLLOOOO WEN YANG!!! Hubbbaaa Hubbbaa!!! ….. I mean. You look quite handsome sir. quite handsome.

Bahahahaha episode 12 minute 15:20, how embarrassing!!!
I am LOVING The big ole fight scene that has happened!!! Also FINALLY THE BIG REVEAL!!! Xu Kai meets Xu Kai!!!


I am really enjoying the relationship between the two main leads (Xu Kai and Esther), its super cute and adorable!
Aww Luohuan delt himself a bad hand 🙁

Ahahahahaha “Back then he was handsy!” Commence the big eyes! Hahahaha!
Poor Senior! HAHAHAHA, constantly being mistaken for other dogs!

Okay all I’m saying is if he had let go of her hand in episode 14, I would have quit watching the show immediately!! But alas, he took it… for now. But I know its coming in the future. I know its coming…
And of course BAM! Episode 15. I’m not happy with the direction they just went!! My desire to keep watching has taken a hit… but ugh, I’m going to keep going, it’ll get good again. I understand WHY they chose to go that direction but I absolutely hate it and am not impressed!!!
They’ve been relying on each other the whole time and the first real obstacle comes up and this is what they do? And again! I get it! It IS an obstacle but come on!!! What happened to the unfailing trust in each other???


Shifang is super cute and adorable! I am enjoying his awkward character very much!

So I am not impressed with how they ended episode 19, it seems so abrupt and out of place??? I get the emotions that were involved but this scene was very out of place to me considering how the rest of the episodes have gone.
But alas okay… I’m glad the main leads are back together, thankfully they didn’t draw it out super bad but long enough I wavered watching lol But for them I trudged through it and am enjoying the story.

Another thing I like is the relationship between Xian Qing and Zhaoyan, it’s been sweet slow buildup. And when he saw her wearing a dress for the first time… THAT WAS THHHEEEE CUTEST SCENE!!!
He just watched her and smiled and let her know he was there for her and waited.

Okay. I just. Sigh. What? The dramatic scene in episode 22. What? I feel like this was way to dramatic of a scene…. I get it I get it, but like… what??? Hmmm, I don’t know how I feel about it.

I’m kind of annoyed at the fact that Zhaoyan has switched to female clothes and then there is nothing else said about it. She has been dressing as a man the entire time she’s been alive and suddenly she’s in female clothes without another word? While the male and female clothes don’t have huge differences, the female clothes are way more fabric, so it would be nice to see her adjusting to fighting in them to add authentic-ness to her character and her past. But alas, I suppose considering this is suppose to be a live action video game series, I shall forgive it lol.

Also I gotta say I feel for Zhaoyan and her brother. I get why he is going crazy and is the way he is, but its sad it ended up that way and I hope he does better!
Aww… He doesn’t do better… however I will give him points for loving his sister… but… that’s about it… what the other lady said he had, Ruthless Affection, that’s a perfect term for it.
And also lemme just say again, the first few notes of the opening song is beautiful, haunting and full of all the feels.
Back to her brother… ughhhhhh his story arc is so sad and heartbreaking…. He is soo much in the wrong for all the deaths but it makes sense why he went nuts… but also sad that he truly did not escape in the end when he fought so hard for it… But thankful in the end he did try to be better.


The little girl who plays Xiaoyuan looks like Cheng Xiao! She looks like her sooo much!!
I really do like the character growth that Qi has had, I think her character fits her very well and she’s doing a great job filling this role.

Episode 31 felt like the entire show came to an end even though they is still many things left to wrap up, but I still got a few more episodes so I’m holding on!

OH MY WORD OH MY WORD OH MY WORD!!!! Episode 33!!! How dareee youuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!

Honestly the fact that everyone’s clothes constantly changes in what feels like every new scene, its very annoying to me lol.

Fine. Episode 35 got me in the feels. It gotted me RIGHT in the feels.

Already, I finally finished this. I didn’t like how they did the last episode, however I already had guess what would happen so meh. Whatever!


I can see why this has a rating under 9 starts on Viki. I did enjoy the show but also there was a lot of details and the storyline was literally so convoluted to me that it just ended up being boring and a little ridiculous.
I enjoyed the music, most of the scenery was stunning and everyone played their roles very well. I did highly enjoy lots of aspects along the way, such as the friendship between them all and for the most part the main leads ability to trust each other and have each others back.
I really really really wish they had given us more tandem fighting scenes because it was the power they (the main leads) held together that powered the whole thing and towards the end of the series, the big fight scene, they worked together but in a powered up way. Which I did enjoy but there was no showing how they managed to level up, other then thoughts of affection .. ugh I don’t know how to explain it. Just really wish they would have focused more on this.

While I am all for a good romance story, I went into this thinking it was going to be more like a video game and again while I have never played the games, it really did take me back exactly how much they focused on the love aspect of things.
I feel they focused to much on the love aspect and not enough on the storyline itself which is why it is so convoluted. I can’t imagine the actual video game taking place like this series did, which makes me wonder exactly how much alike they are. I really am going to have to invest in all the video games so I can see what matches what. Of course I’m sure that it wont be an exact match but it should have all the main aspects the same!

Going into this I was ready for a video game adventure, I was also anticipating it being like Sword and Fairy 4 but honestly they are so different, you can easily watch these separately without connecting the dots between them. That threw me for a loop and it did make me struggle to get through some of the episodes.
However its worth a watch for sure but I give this an eight and half rating.

Going into the show I knew this had a lower rating then the other one did and a lot of people saying it was slow and boring
This is more slow, but if the storyline had been written cleaner and it not focusing so heavily on the romantic notion or did it in a cleaner manner, I really feel like this could have been a nine and half, if not a ten!

I loved that the main leads were so touchy with each other, Holding hands, hand on the arm or shoulder or hugging, it showed the connection between them….
Ugh I don’t know, I just feel like they could have done so much better with this one!!

That being said, I love Xu Kai and Esther and I think they did Very well for their roles and just watching them, it FELT like they had that connection, affection for each other, it was pretty great. I’ve seen some of the small behind the scenes clips and they are a treat!

What are your thoughts on this one?

Lets Review Together <3