the inextricable destiny

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Streaming Platform: Rakuten Viki
Chinese Show: The Inextricable Destiny
Episodes: 27
Episode Duration: 33 to 44 min.
Featuring cast:
Song Yi Ren
Wang You Shuo
Gao Xu Yang
Liu Jian Yu
Zhang Hao Lun
Yue Yao Li
Translation Team: Seductive Mischievus Team (They did a great job!)

Description from Viki:
“He Jiu Ling (Song Yi Ren) is the trouble-loving, mischievous eighteen-year-old daughter of a powerful and highly respected general. She has spent her life studying martial arts and has a love of all things strong. So she is shocked – horrified, even – when her family agrees to marry her off to Rong Yu (Wang You Shuo), the heir to the Jialin National Astrology Hall.

Rong Yu is everything He Jiu Ling isn’t: He is gentle, compassionate, softly spoken, highly educated, and academic – and shies away from all sorts of physical conflict. Aghast that she has to marry such a wimp, He Jiu Ling plots to sabotage the marriage before the wedding takes place. But her plans backfire when a “poison” she tries to use to warp his mind has a very untoward effect. Will this unlikely duo tie the knot – and could an unexpected romance bloom despite all the chaos?

“The Inextricable Destiny” is a 2023 Chinese drama series that was directed by Li Xiao Jiang.”

…. Ya’ll… I’m 17 episodes deep and I don’t even know what my thoughts are about this show.
It’s been a ride and I’m not even sure a good ride, just a weird ‘this took a turn that I wasn’t expecting’ type of ride… but more than that this storyline is… Something out of a bad Wattpad story.
Haha. …Hah.
I really am trying to formulate my thoughts on this but the conclusion I keep coming back too; is when is this going to finish because I’m ready to be done.
The scenery is beautiful, all the scenes and episodes are well taped and the acting is pretty decent overall… Although when the main male lead goes into his “rebirth” scenes, his constant “vibrating” movements annoy the ever love out of me as it looks so stinken fake.
So I really don’t like that part of his new character switch.
I will say Wang You Shuo has the ability to play the serious handsome lead to a more innocent cute adorable lead.
Song Yi Ren is a cute adorable actress and so tiny! I’m sure she’s heard that a million and one times and is probably tired of it, but alas…. she really is sooo tiny!!
She is a cutie all the way around.
In this series they have her being a rambunctious baddie which looks like such a fun role for her!
Song Yi Ren has appeared in a few different things (Professional Single, The Best of You In My Mind, Evernight), and while I do like her a lot, I don’t feel like most of her characters have much depth to them.
Which is fine! Nothing wrong with that but it would be nice to see her play a complicated in depth character at some point in time.

Again, this storyline is okay, there is nothing wrong with it perse but I will admit this is not my kind of story and I am struggling to finish it.
Everyone has done a pretty good job in their roles and fitting their characters, the scenery is pretty good with some beautiful shots, we do have the tragic scenes that did hurt your heart some and the music is decent.
Over all this is the type of show to put on when you want something with more light fluff to it that you don’t need to pay that much attention to as its easy to figure out what’s going on.
There IS tragic scenes in this but I feel like it was just glossed over and shoved aside way to fast and then just kind of over and done with.
Plus I’m not happy with what they did to the bodyguard guy, he literally got shoved out of the scenes for no apparent reason but I hope he gets brought back.

Side random notes: I Love the size differences between their hands!! Hers are so tiny and dainty while his looks manly and strong!

This is not your typical romance story as it leads to her not liking him and being that way for a very long time, while only liking him as a friend that she has some affection for.
Their romance doesn’t really start until you are knee deep into their idea of a story line plot.

Ugh, I just… I really wanna like this but I can’t. It’s an okay story but to me it’s lackluster and I really don’t like the male leads character. He’s simply too weak for my taste. While that isn’t necessarily bad, it’s his personality…. it’s weird and lacking while courageous and great in other areas? Its’ the weirdest thing.
I’m just Not impressed!!! I want to be, I really do…. but… This story isn’t up my ally.
Ugghh, these people are just irritating, I just hate the way their love story is done. It’s very annoying to me. I don’t know why I can’t get on the vibe with this but I can’t. I’m slowly wilting away trying to finish it.
And it’s not even that anything is really wrong with it! It’s just not my fancy!

Listen, I finished it. It was tough but I did it. I died a little inside but I DID IT.

**************************** SPOiler alerts down below*************************

Ack, I absolutely hated the ending, HATED IT.
It’s so stupid!!!! How the heck did she suddenly become pregnant after months away at WAR??????????? They weren’t even speaking to each other BEFORE the war. Maybe I missed something, some detail, I MUST HAVE missed some sort of detail because her suddenly being pregnant while having destroyed herself to save him is zoinking my mind!!! She lost her magical healing weapon when she chose to tear it out to save him, then she became old and brittle and dying… And then lots of scenes of them barely missing each other, blah blah blah, suddenly she’s pregnant???? That is stupid. STUPID.
THEN, he finally figures out she is the old lady and then THEY DONT EVEN SPEAK????????? ALLLLLLLLLL THAT AND HER GIVING UP HER LIFE FOR HIM AND HE DOESN’T TRY TO SPEAK TO HER????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
AND THEN BAAM!!! Here is your baby, master has saved her student and they disappear???????????????????????????? and then YEARS LATER ACCIDENTALLY RUN INTO EACH OTHER AND ITS ALL SMILES AND LOVE??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? GIVE ME A STINKEN BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She stole his child and ran away!!!
You know what? No, Just NO.

******************************* SPOILERS OVER WITH********************************


I didn’t like this show and I am not happy with the stupid ending. It wasn’t even a slow burn of a romance, it was a one sided romance pretty much the entire show with them just switching places. Yes there is some cute adorable scenes when he is a ‘man-child’ but that’s it! He wasn’t even in his right mind, so to count that as romance??
I hated his character! So weak and simpleminded!!! The only thing that I LOVED about this show was they stood up for each other every single time!!! For me, that’s what the saving grace was.

Now again, knowing this series was not my kind of series put me off watching it so there is that but for myself I would give this a 7 rating, possibly even a six and half.
The actors and actresses all did pretty good, everyone fit their characters, the costumes were well done, the music was okay and the storyline was subpar.
All in all this show had some funny parts, tragic parts, romantic parts, stupid parts, silly parts and highly frustrating please let me shoot an arrow at both leads at some point in time, parts.

I’d say this is a good one to try if you are bored and want some type of period costume show to watch… like if you’re really bored.


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