The Last immortal Cdrama

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Streaming platform: Rakuten Viki
Chinese show: The Last Immortal
Genre: Fantasy/Romance
Episodes: 40
Duration of episodes: 44 mins to 47 mins

Translation Team: πŸ’₯πŸ₯ TEAM 7️⃣ πŸ₯πŸ’₯


WE LOVE LUSI!!!! She really is a stunning actress!! She has such a natural shine that not many posses.
When she acts she is ALWAYS Immersed into her character and thrives no matter what role she takes on. She has a magic of connecting with all her male coworkers and doesn’t fail to give us a good viewing experience!

I had pretty high hopes going into this series as it is one I have been waiting for. However my hopes fell a bit reading the rating on it and that it wasn’t as high as I thought it would be.
However I adjusted my perspective and went into it with lower expectations.

First, I love all the scenery, it’s beautiful! However a lot of it definitely comes across fake and has a very anime feel to it.
Some of the fighting scenes between the four main friends feel very much like they took inspiration from the Power Rangers! Haha!
Which is completely fine but that’s what instantly came to my mind when they do their formation and for me personally, it made the scenes more funny rather then intense.

The male lead (Wang An Yu) is super cute!!! He has a GREAT SIDE PROFILE! I am enjoying his character while a lazy doesn’t wanna turn into a God but that’s his destiny troupe, he’s playing it well!
Lusi is SO stinken cute in her role and I am excited to see the other half where she turns powerful. Right now she is playing a lower beast level person who falls in love with ‘the doesn’t wanna be a god person’.
Both are executing their roles very well and seem to be enjoying it, it seems very natural between the two.

There is a few scenes that were pretty funny and a few scenes that were pretty silly!
Overall I have been enjoying the show but we’ve finally reached the point in the storyline where he must “Forget”.

Listen I am ALL for a good time period costume show, I love them. However 98 percent literally have the same exact storyline and it gets horribly boring.
If its involving the Immortals, Humans and Gods, its always the same storyline.
An Immortal cannot love a lesser creature so therefore must make him forget blah blah blah but destiny will always bring them back.
We’ve reached this point, he has forgotten he has love for her and she finally learns of his true identity.

The storyline itself is decent, the cast is phenomenal with their acting skills and the scenery is beautiful. Each realm has their own scenery and of course we have a lot of magical scenes that give off anime feels.
But going back to the story, the script… it’s just falling short of my expectation of a brand new story of Gods and Immortals.

Again, I am still enjoying the story and at this point would def recommend giving it a watch but I hope the story picks up soon!

The scene with the water dragon was hilarious! Also I swear the guy who plays the water dragon is the same guy who played the demon in my starry love (one of the beefy brothers) but I’ll have to look it up and check to be sure! Also… the water dragon was kind of Hot…

Also since we talking about hotties, let me just say the scene where we see the back of Wang… WAS SCRUMPTIOUS!!! The man has the perfect width of shoulders with a muscled back that spans down into a tapered waist. We’ve all read books on dudes with this description, but this scene literally FIT every. single. Detail.
The man’s back was sexy and attractive!! Even if they did add something or CGI something onto him (it didn’t look like they did! It looked like it was totally him!) Either way, that shot turned out BEAUTIFUL! It was ART. That’s the kind of scene I picture in books when they write that type of description.
Cough. Anyhow. Cough.

Oh! All the costumes are pretty solid so far! There is a few males playing older men that have white mustaches and beards and it looks a bit silly because their faces do not match with having beards like that!
Some of the headpieces the women have to wear have got to be heavy!! Especially the demoness, her headpiece is GORGOEOUS but it looks so heavy! But ACK I want it!!! πŸ˜€

So one of the complaints I’ve seen about the male lead is that his character is weak. My take is after his past, all he wanted was to be a lazy fool who drank and did nothing so it’s fitting, so so far I am enjoying the progress he has had. He has been silently pushed into being stronger here and there because of his need to protect her.

Ahahaha I am enjoying the storyline between the Fox and the Eagle!
AAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA I LOVE when an evil scary person that everyone expects to be mean to everyone, puts the annoying person in place and won’t let them get away with their tricks!!! AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. On Episode 17, minute 36!
Bahahaha get wrecked you crummy annoying second female lead!!! (She’s a fantastic actress!) I really dislike her character sooooo much!! And her father is such a disgrace!!! UGH!

There was a lot of people upset over this show because they thought it was a continuation of Ancient Love Poetry but turns out it wasn’t… Not really anyway. Apparently there is a sort of kind of continuation to it???
I have not watched Ancient Love Poetry myself, although it is on my to be watched list… However, it is Only on there for Xu Kai, Hah!
While Ancient Love Poetry has a pretty good rating and I will eventually watch it, I’ve been putting it off for so long simply because I HATTTEEEEE the troupe of “Oh she or he lost their memory, blah blah blah”. I hate it so much!! So I try to stay away from it as much as possible, although most any shows that have Immortals/Gods realm will have this standard troupe going so it is kind of impossible.
But I digress.

I have been enjoying this series so far but honestly it is falling short of a solid ten for me.
I really enjoyed episodes 1 through 17.
Once it hit episode 18 and up to about episode 29 it felt more… What is the word I am looking for? Lackluster? It was just “missing” something.
While Lusi and Wang have cute chemistry together, they are lacking the passionate love between the leads that normally pull me in.
Both are excellent actors and it feels very easy and natural to see them together but they are missing that component that truly gives off the flare of a love so deep that it devours with passion and strips all the realms of their rules.

The second main leads, the Eagle and the Fox are cute together but even then I really don’t like how their story has gone in terms of love.
The guy has been with her for over a thousand years and yet doesn’t understand he has love for her? WHAT? I get the guy being pigheaded and just oblivious because he thought he was in love with the other girl… but she was gone for a thousand years and it didn’t occur to him that the girl beside him loved him?
That just bothers me and again it is a normally storyline for this type of fantasy world… but *cue eye roll* lets be realistic, a man has a woman beside him for a THOUSAND years and has not a single thought of kissing her when she’s made it obvious she likes him? I mean… I don’t know, that annoys me!

(Let me just say that the Ghost King is cuuuteee!!! That jawline though!) My heart hurts for the Ghost King and his brother πŸ™

I think one of the biggest things I don’t like about the show is their hand movements when casting magic. It looks ungraceful, fake and chaotic.
Now this might just be a me thing but comparing it to other shows like The Longest Promise, Three Lives: Three Worlds: The Pillow Book, Who Rules the World, Legend of Fuyao and so forth, it just doesn’t seem as graceful as it should, as natural as it should. And considering they use magic quite a bit throughout the show, this keeps throwing me off as this is one of those details that should have been more refined. But Alas this is just my own personal opinion on it.

I really wanted to rate this a solid ten but I honestly just can’t. Everything feels so.. chaotic and almost forced to make the storyline work. Especially the last few episodes.
Also literally everyone is suppose to be super powerful and what not after years and years and years of trials and tribulations and cultivating and literally everyone is only so so power.
I’m truly disappointed in this.
I was expecting a huge array of awesome powers. Especially from the main male lead… because ya know… he IS a God and the true son of the true gods and all that jazz and yet… while he is strong and has powers, he doesn’t have the huge baddie powers! That man should be barely struggling even with all that he has been through, because I GET IT, ya know? I get it and again he did display power but to me it just falls short of his linage. I don’t know!
They should all be BARELY struggling! And yet they are all big time struggling. Why??? They’ve earned their titles and to be all powerful and yet… that isn’t what we are getting!!

Also a RANT AND A SLIGHT SPOILER, I’m SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO annoyed with how they had the Demon Emperor get saved by his woman and made him appear weak. LIKE HELLLOOO he is literally a nine tailed fox, a demon emperor, he IS the epitome of power!!! And while the Eagle King is also super powerful, the fact that they had her “rescue” him in that scene didn’t make any scene. He was suppose to show his all mighty power in order to keep his position as Emperor… But nahhh… both him and her who had big bad wounds… had her showing up and stealing the thunder… Nah, this scene made me pretty mad.
They are both incredibly strong, but this scene wasn’t or at least Shouldn’t have been about them or her, this should have been about the man KEEPING his place as the leader, as the Demon Emperor. But alas, I get why they did that, they needed something to “reconnect” the fox and the eagle together.
Actually quite frankly I’m really just annoyed at their entire love story right now and I feel like it could have been so much… MORE.

The big ending fight was anticlimactic… I wish they would have done that differently… again it just lacked the POWER. The display of POWER from all the supposedly powerful people.

Le Sigh.

The scene where Lusi is sitting on the throne in the very last episode is absolutely STUNNING!!!

The story ended on a good note, however messy, chaotic and really didn’t even make sense how it got there, but here we are!

I give this a solid eight and half, borderline nine rating!!

Whoever wrote the scripts feels like they were trying so hard to make it all make sense, to come together and for the most part it did but there was enough lacking in the show that stopped it shy of being a full on phenomenal series and I think the writers themselves might have gotten lost a few times.

The scenery was beautiful while there was a few scenes that were pretty obvious CGI.
The costumes were all pretty great and seemed authentic enough.
The cast was phenomenal.
The music was pretty decent, although I feel in certain areas it could have been more.
The story line of love between everyone was So So.

Listen, I LOVE Lusi, she is one of my favorite actresses and she really does make it easy to act with any and every male coworker she’s had.
She’s graceful and clicks with each one of them. She is one of those rare talents that truly was born to act. She does it effortlessly and she played her character beautifully.
BUT… and I gotta say it… there was no passionate love between her and her male lead. Both of them came off as loving best friends who wouldn’t stop misunderstanding and fighting each other, rather then loving LOVERS. There was literally no intimacy between them. NONE!!! And this truly did aid in destroying their love story,
While they both had the chemistry and played really well with each other, there was no burning passion between them and yeah yeah yeah, I keep repeating that but for this type of story there is SUPPOSE to be burning passion. I just can’t get over it!
It’s also the same with the fox and the eagle, there was no intimacy between them!! it was so lacking. Ugh.

(A side note: They had more intimacy in their recent photoshoot then they did the entire series!!! LOL!)
I felt that the Peacocks storyline was more passionate with love then the rest of them and that’s saying something considering her lover didn’t last for long!

This series had the potential to be SO MUCH MORE. With a better love story between the leads, with better fighting scenes, with better hand weaving for the magic spells, with more Power! it could have truly been one of the top series out there!!

All in all I would definitely recommend this for a watch! But go into it with lower expectations and it’ll be an amazing adventure!! Everyone acted excellently and did a fantastic job with their characters. So its def worth a watch. Plus lots of pretty women and men to look at! Hahaha!!

Thanks for coming along the ride with me!

Lets Review Together <3