Twinkling Watermelon

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Streaming Platform: Rakuten Viki
Korean Show: Twinkling Watermelon
Genre: Romance/Fantast
Episodes: 16
Duration of episodes: 60 mins

Translation Team: ๐Ÿ‰Viva la Watermelon๐Ÿ‰Team (They did an excellent job!!
Description from Viki:
“In 2023, Eun Gyeol (Ryeoun) is a high schooler with a passion for music. During the day, he is a studious model pupil…but at night, he rocks out as a guitarist in a band. But when he stumbles across a strange yet alluring music store, he goes hurtling back in time to 1995. Here, he comes face to face with his father Ha Yi Chan (Choi Hyun Wook) โ€“ as a high schooler! Yi Chan takes Eun Gyeol for a lunatic when the latter calls him โ€œdad.โ€ Worse still, it looks like Yi Chan has a crush on an icy cellist named Se Kyeong (Seol In Ah)โ€“ not his future mother Cheong Ah (Shin Eun Soo)! In a bid to put things โ€œright,โ€ Eun Gyeol joins a band fronted by his future father. But will this be enough to help Eun Gyeol bring his future parents together…and will he ever get back to the 2020s?

โ€œTwinkling Watermelonโ€ is a 2023 South Korean drama series that was directed by Son Jong Hyun.”


IT IS HERE! I have been waiting to watch this for when I was in the mood for something gentler and sweeter. A slower type of love story with all the emotions, anger, sadness, happiness, grief, laughter and all of thee above.
We shall dive into this. Together we will clutch each other and stuff our faces while enduring the sweet slow burn.

oooh Choi Hyun Wook is from Weak Hero Class 1, which if you have not watched, I highly encourage you to do so!! It’s Absolutely amazing.

Aww already my heart is beating for them ๐Ÿ™ They are such a lovely family but what a huge burden on the little one already… He has to be more grown up then a normal kid.
Awwwwwwwwww MY HEART ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ITS OKAY LITTLE MAN!!
“Sniffles”. Thank you old man, we all need one of you in our lives.
Oh my goodness why are my eyes just sweating so much ๐Ÿ™ Ugh I just knew this show was going to make me cry but I didn’t expect it in the first episode, I thought it would be later into the show!
Wow! What a great first episode!! I am very impressed, it was incredible well done and now I am very much excited to see the rest of this!
This how has a very high rating on Viki so I already knew it had to be good in some way shape or form!

I’m a little confused with the other two boys, is that the flash back already? I’m a bit lost. Although just started episode 2, I don’t remember everyone’s names yet lol.
That mom is just the sweetest ๐Ÿ™ The dad and brother are too! But the mom takes the cake! She is so sweet and always smiling.
I feel so bad for him, he has to endure so much silently. While of course he loves his family and wants to help them all, it is a lot when more things fall solely on your shoulders than you would expect growing up. My poor little heart.
UGH MY HEART!!! *takes out the 10th tissue”.
Also I went back to figure out who’s name was who and now understand the flashback is about his parents lol. I was slow on the uptake with that but the flashback was done so seamlessly it really did look like it was just apart of the current story.

Awww his older brother is so cute and sweet!! I’m glad he is having his brother’s back!
Oh no… *slaps Band-Aid on heart*, hold it together woman! HOLD IT TOGETHER!
BAHAHAHAH “…. Dad???”, both of their expressions were fantastic LOL
What a surreal moment though, can you imagine???
Bahahahahaha the scene when he meets his younger Dad is great! Hahahaha. “Is it you?” “Probably not” Face is all squished lol.
LLOOOOLLLLL “Don’t leave me here Dad!!” LOOOOOL!!!
Ahahahahaha the fight with his Dad! Ahahahaha.
I am really enjoying this so far. It’s been very well done.
I really hope that one girl is not going to turn out to be mean and hateful to the other girl but I have a funny feeling….
Screams bloody murder and then tells her to keep quiet LOOLL!!
OOH is that who I think it is? Ugh I should really remember everyone’s names, this would go a lot better hahaha.

Aww she smiled!! Tsk, how can they be so mean to her? Why are people so mean! GRR!!!
LOOLOL I love the Grandma! She is probably one of my favorite characters in here, she is so sweet and pure. She is awesome!!
FINE I’LL GRAB ANOTHER TISSUE *Blows nose forcefully*.
Like Father like Son!

๐Ÿ™ That is so mean and sad of that girl, why is she so cruel?? It also looks like she genuinely wants to be friends with the deaf girl Cheong Ah, but then she is super mean to everyone else. Is it because she believes Cheong Ah is a lot more pure and true? Or is she trying to do something to her by being nice? D: I hope that’s not the case.
Anyway back to my original point, TO BE SO MEAN AND CRUEL TO THE POOR BOY!!!

Hahahahaha I LOVE the relationship between him and his Dad, they have such a guy friendship, such an exaggerated loud friendship, it constantly brings warmth and is making me smile.
There is some pretty funny moments in here while also balancing the sad deeper moments. We take our hearing for granted so much and don’t even realize what kind of life it would be without it, how much we rely on our hearing. There is an entirely new world out there when you have no hearing, I can’t even imagine and I hope I never do ๐Ÿ™ I have hearing loss in one of my ears and it really amazes how much I can’t hear when that ear is blocked verses being open. It’s scary.

The fact that his dad thinks his son wants him in a romantic way is KILLING MEEEE with how much his dad is freaking out and running away, That made me laugh so good!!!

Ooooooh, I don’t know why that took me a bit to catch onto that switch but I see I see, it all makes sense now LOOL. Yeah yeah I was slow to the bat this time around. I’m still sick so I blame that. Also though the switch was done pretty seamlessly so it’s half not my fault…
Le cough.

Honestly I really can’t even imagine going into the past to see my parents and to help them meet up and accidentally change the future. How utterly terrifying that would be though D: I mean think about it! Every little thing you do is slowly altering the present. And the outcome can be BAD and you might be stuck with it D: Scary thoughts D:
Nooooooooooooooooo my heart!!!

LOOLOLOL I love that literally everyone thinks he is in love with his dad and he’s babbling away trying to explain he’s not but he can’t explain that he’s from the future so he just looks like an awkward fool hahahahah!

The fact that both boys went through traumatic events that almost cost them their lives and neither one knows of it is sad to me D:
I keep waiting for the moment they will know.
They just keep fighting over that girl and it is both hilarious and annoying lol.

Sniffles. Is that another tear you ask? NO! No, it’s just… my EYES ARE SLIGHTLY SWEATING.
That poor girl!! That poor poor girl ๐Ÿ™ Can you even imagine what he must be going through right now!?! We may have empathy as children, especially if we are close knit to our parents (like he is) and seeing your parent go through something horrible and tragic and really understanding it and comprehending that tragedy and coming to the realization that your parent, is in fact, not invincible like you thought your entire life, and that they too are humans who have suffered, is truly a heartbreaking moment.

Aahahahahaha!!!! Her chasing him throughout the school wearing that expression and his expression, that was a hilarious fabulous scene! I was watching this scene late at night in bed and I did my best to muffle my laughter so I wouldn’t wake anyone up LOL!

Sigh. I only have a few episodes left. What am I suppose to do with my life after this? This story has been so well done that I’m just going to say it’s a ten outta ten for me! The high ratings are definitely worth it!
I’m almost sad to finish it out… especially because I know the tragedy is coming and while I know everything is fine in the end, I just know it’s going to bring in the feels again.

Oooh GOOD I’m glad those nasty bullies got taught a lesson!!! But I hope the dude stays safe… sounds like there will be trouble in the future…
LOL the mans poor confused face after he took a bite of something he didn’t like hahaha.
*gulp*. My heart… may be slightly wobbling.. Hold on man, HOLD ON! We haven’t even gotten to the climax yet, you can’t be doing this right now. Keep it together.
Oh no Kang… No…
Lee Chan… Dad… noo, it’s not like that ๐Ÿ™
Dang you show, dang you!!! This series is just so well done ๐Ÿ™ My dang heart keeps being moved.
That heart wrenching burst of a cry, when you have endured so much for so long and even though you may have let a few tears out, it wasn’t enough to get it out.
That moment of genuine sadness and grief coupled with the relief that you can finally release. Ugh so sad ๐Ÿ™ My eyes.
The poor son has endured SOO Much, SO much.
GAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! GO AWAY!!!!! *Throws things at the screen* NOOOOO!!!! GO AWAY GO AWAY!!!

“Heeyy where are you going naked!?!” Hahahaha!
AWWWWWW The mom!!!! My precious!!! Poor baby!!! ๐Ÿ™
Ugh I want more of the Mom, I want her to be saved!!
Also I’m glad he finally went after the girl, I want him to find his happiness and his place in the world but also in the very beginning of the show, his brother already thought that girl was special, so I wonder what will happen in that regard when everyone goes back to the present…
OH WHOA WHOA WHOA, no no no you old man!!! It isn’t time yet!!! Hold your horses!!! WE STILL HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT MOM!!
Ugh Mom!!! Hold on!!! Lee Chan to the rescue!! And he’s in loooveee <3

Awwww the son found some happiness!!! I know it won’t last and it’s just to tease me but tsch. I love this moment for them.
AWWWWWWW Lee Chan!!! THAT IS SOOO SWEET AND ROMANTIC!!!! Ughhhh sooo romantic!!!
LOL the friends dramatic responses to them being couples hahaha.


Awww Lee Chan got jealous, that’s so cute lol. YESSS LEE CHAN YESS!!! WOOOHOOO!!!
Awwww the mom and son. *Smacks table and sobs*. HOW DARE YOU MAKE HER LIVE THROUGH THIS YOU NASTY EVIL WOMAN!!
Gosh darn it, I just love this entire family. The son, the dad, the mom and even the brother we haven’t seen much of.
And the Grandma!!! I love her!!

Ugh that poor kid!!! He’s been through SO much and it just keeps going!! I knew that wasn’t the big moment but I still hoped it was… I want to protect the little bean ๐Ÿ™
Also!! I’m so mad at her Dad!!! Like seriously!?!? How did you NOT know what was going on in your house??? How could you not even see Any of the signs??? Because you didn’t WANT to see or acknowledge it. How do you NOT see the things your wife has done??? The reactions of your daughter??? I don’t get it!
UGH! I’m just attached to this dang tissue box.
I love Grandma SO Much. I love them, I love them All!!

Hahaha “You want me to stay with him even when he’s old!? Where are you going after you leave me with a bomb!?” Hahahaha True friendship right there!
I knew it was going to happen, I did but I wasn’t expecting THAT to happen but I should have known better, I should have KNOWN BETTER.
Fate is so cruel.




Costco doesn’t have a big enough tissue pack for this series!
*blows nose and plunges face into ice cold water*

Alright. That was a ride! A journey! An Adventure.
It was absolutely Beautiful. I loved every moment and every episode. This show as PHENOMINALLY well done and deserves such high praise!!!
They way the told the story and showed us everyone’s characters and past, it really truly got the true essence of the story told.
This was one of those feel good but feel emotions but grow type of series and it is touching and healing at the same time.
It was truly a beautiful wonderful story and this gets a 12 outta 10 rating from me.
I honestly can’t recommend this one enough!!!

Let’s Review Together <3

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